Parcels within Australia

Use the timetables* below as a guide for deliveries within Australia after an item is dispatched from our warehouse.

The following delivery times apply to our standard domestic service which includes the couriers: Australia Post, Amarex, Couriers Please and Seko.


Delivery within New South Wales

Posted for delivery Delivery time estimate (business days)
Within metropolitan areas of capital cities, or within the same city or town or an adjacent city or town in the same state 2 days
Between a metropolitan area of capital city and a country location 4 days
Between country locations 5 days


Delivery between states

Posted for delivery Delivery time estimate (business days)
Between Sydney/Brisbane, Sydney/Melbourne, Melbourne/Canberra or Melbourne/Adelaide 2-3 days
Between Sydney/Adelaide, Melbourne/Brisbane, Melbourne/Tasmania or Adelaide/Canberra 3-4 days
Between other capital cities 5-6 days


Delivery to New Zealand

Posted for delivery Delivery time estimate (business days)
Depending on metro or country location 4-8 days
Social nightlife is just as lively and colourful as a kaleidoscope.
Youth is like a blowing wind, it's cool and relaxing, but hard to grasp.

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